Project Recap July 2024


Staff member
Jan 2, 2023
Current Works

Due to Exipelago hardly gaining any new sales or wishlists, work on the game was sidelined for a while to work on another game in order to get some practical experience with multiplayer implementations. The game in question - Hexual Deflection - was released recently and is a multiplayer Arena RTS. Things learned in the process may eventually carry over to the one or other multiplayer integration in Exipelago. Even tho, the main game is simply not capable of proper multiplayer without limiting its capabilities, there may be other game modes featuring multiplayer. I do have some ideas about it.

But I guess at this point (Exipelago never reached a significant followship and never turned profitable) it's safe to assume, that such additions may not turn the tide for Exipelago so I can only work on it as a hobby. Things may still change in the future but this is up to the community as I can't invest any further into it to make it more popular.

Anyway, I still have some updates in the queue which I love to finish - there is a bunch of people still enjoying the game and I want them to have a good time. Editors still need a bit of work (but seems like noone uses them anyway) and I also want some other "game modes" especially with full control over a single Exi-Villager. So I am looking forward to get some time to make it happen.

Economical State

Sadly, not good, since the last recap, the project only gained a 1-digit in new wishlists. Hopefully the new game brings in some budget or exposure to Exipelago. If you want to help the game, tell your friends about it, ask them to wishlist, participate in the games discord or show it to others, any help is appreciated.